Explore how the Snackbar.js library can be used to display notifications in different positions and with various styles. The demo below showcases different configurations.
Basic Snackbar - All Positions
Snackbar Inside an Element
This is an example container. The snackbar will appear inside this container.
Dismissible Snackbars
Custom Duration and Style
Status-Based Snackbars
The Snackbar.js library allows you to show notifications (snackbars) on your web page with ease. Below is a brief documentation of the available options:
- message: string - The text message to display in the snackbar. (Required)
- duration: number - The duration the snackbar should stay visible, in milliseconds. Default is 3000ms. (Optional)
- position: string - The position where the snackbar should appear on the page. Available options:
- element: HTMLElement - An HTML element to which the snackbar should be appended. If provided, the position option is ignored. (Optional)
- customClass: string - A custom CSS class to style the snackbar. (Optional)
- dismissible: boolean - If set to `true`, the snackbar will not auto-dismiss and will show a close button. (Optional)
- closeIcon: string - Custom HTML for the close button icon. Defaults to a Phosphor Icons `x` icon. (Optional)
- status: string - Predefined statuses like `success`, `error`, `warning`, or `info` that apply standard styles. (Optional)
To use the library, call the showSnackbar
function with the desired options:
message: 'Your message here!',
position: 'top-center',
duration: 3000,
customClass: 'your-custom-class',
dismissible: true,
closeIcon: '<i class="your-custom-icon"></i>'